Winstead Marketing and Communications

Since our inception in 1996, Winstead has successfully provided a comprehensive range of marketing and communication services for clients ranging from world-class brands to local non-profits.

What sets us apart is a commitment to client service and partnership and an approach to our work that embraces customized communication solutions versus a one-size-fits-all approach.

Projects big or small; we know our clients expect smart thinking and flawless execution; that’s why our ideas always come with solutions attached - while a laser-like attention to detail means we leave nothing to chance.


What we do

• Help companies and brands communicate critical news to key external audiences through strategic events and media relations programs

• Help companies and brands establish stronger connections and build relationships with key consumers through strategic promotional radio programs

• Help companies and brands communicate important internal news to key stakeholders (employees, vendors, partners) through strategic corporate communications


Winstead Marketing and Communications
1201 Brickell Avenue, Suite 450B
Miami FL 33131

(305) 374 4488 phone
(305) 374 4433 fax